Ancestral Healing Ceremony – Healing the Mother Wound

Saturday, Feb 25, 2023

Time: 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Location: Commercial Drive

Join us in community to explore the ways in which our connection with our mothers affects our relationship to life and all that it has to offer us- including the richness of our relationships with others, the earth, abundance and many more aspects of our lives.

In sacred space, we will be illuminating behaviors and thought patterns that are being carried down the maternal lineage that are preventing us from moving forward in our lives with an open heart.

• What is the Mother Wound?
• How does it manifest in our lives?
• Why is it so crucial to heal this?
• What are the costs of not healing it?
• What are interrupted movements and why do they matter?

What to expect:
• Ancestral healing invocation and meditation
• Mother wound wisdom sharing
• Family Constellations process
• Honoring and healing of our Ancestral lineage
• Illumination of limiting subconscious patterns
• Healing in tribe, in a safe and tender space
• Being human together and sharing breath, tears and laughter

• What to bring:
o A blanket/ cushion/yoga mat and anything that will make you feel at ease and cozy in the space
o Water bottle
o Journal
o Photos of the Ancestors in your Mother’s Lineage
o Intention for the session

Facilitators Bio:

As a Certified Family Constellations Facilitator, Stefany is an intuitive companion on the journey of life. She attunes with ancestral healing practices to help unearth inherited intergenerational trauma as well as unconscious behavioral patterns in order to bring soulful healing to family systems. She is a Certified Hatha and Restorative Yoga Teacher, Meditation Teacher (Compassion-Based Resilience (CBRT)/Mindfulness- Based Addiction Recovery (MBAR)), Energy Healer as well as Sound Therapy Practitioner. A lifelong student of yoga, she immerses herself in deep practices of bhakti yoga-the yoga of devotion and ancient Vedic scriptures. Find out more about Stefany at


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