Vancouver Community Kirtan – September

Saturday, Sep 20, 2025

Time: 7:15 pm
Location: Open Door Yoga Main 14th

Kirtan is the practice of using music and repetitive call-and-response singing of various names of the Divine to remind ourselves of our Divine identity and birthright. Participants might experience benefits such as: relaxation of nervous system, upliftment of mood, energized mood, increased connection with the sacred. Optional potluck follows the kirtan.

Facilitator’s bio: Harreson has been offering multi-faith non-sectarian kirtan since 2016. His yoga teaching days eventually came to an end after major hip issues but fortunately the Universe guided him to facilitating kirtan as another way (and perhaps truer to his dharma) to be of service to the community. Harreson teaches an 8 week kirtan training using an innovative method which helps students get a grasp of Western music fundamentals.




Registration Information

Booking Summary

x Standard Ticket
Total Price

Please note that we are not able to issue a refund unless the workshop is cancelled.