I have been teaching yoga for over 6 years and have loved every minute of it. Whether I’m teaching in a studio, at a park, or in a corporate business office I teach yoga for the joy it brings me when I share it with people. Though the reason students come to yoga varies and their practice may change over time what doesn’t change is that yoga creates change- fast or slow easy or difficult, subtle or obvious. And, so I continue to study and and be amazed by all that Yoga brings, like people finding their inner strengthen and courage to shine and be beautiful. I always love going to work.
I’m a certified yoga teacher from Flow Yoga, an Ashtanga based school of practice. I am an explorer at heart and have always been curious about everything so it goes without saying that I have also explored a range of styles of yoga including ashtanga/ vinyasa flow, hatha, kripalu, restorative, yin, therapeutic, prenatal as well as meditation under many brilliant teachers- some but not all include a woman who’s name I cannot remember but she taught 3 of us in her living room in Victoria and I still remember her teachings, Jason and Kelly, Padma, Sarah Powers, Leslie Kaminoff and Baron Baptiste.
What can you expect from my class?
In my classes you will experience a fusion of these styles and lessons I have gleaned in a practice that flows with your breath. You can expect to focus on the physical aspects of the poses including alignment, breath work and concentration/attention direction as a way of finding inner balance and peace of mind. I like to mix it up in class- throwing in a little quirkiness and fun to share the uplifting energy of practicing within a group. You will be lead through lengthening and strengthening exercises to relax your body; guided in meditation and relaxation to help you look inward to discover the practice for yourself; learn how to be strong on the inside soft on the edges on or off the mat. The idea is to wake up your body with movement and be conscious of how you move your bodies and in turn wake up your mind and open your hearts to living the best possible life right here right now. Throughout my class I promote self awareness because I believe it is key to finding balance and joy. It will open you up to discover a world of possibility and potential within you, right there, on your mat.
In addition to teaching and practicing yoga I am also a professional photographer. I love the process of drawing out beauty from within so whether you find me on a mat or behind a camera I can be seen capturing life’s beautiful moments in stillness.
What is your practice like these days?
a regular personal practice at home and personal study
checking in with myself- giving time each day to reflect
making small changes and sticking to them to create new paths
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” — Mark Twain