Sadie has been teaching classical Hatha Yoga since 2006 and also teaches power, restorative and yin based yoga. All classes are suffused with meditation and hand mudra.
In 2011, Sadie started an onsite, corporate yoga company ‘Inside Yoga Company’ and more recently in the works her personal Yoga Website serving her Yoga Students and Local businesses with ongoing information on her Corporate and Private Yoga Classes and all her yoga related offerings.
Like life, Sadie’s classes can be somewhat unpredictable and spontaneous.
Her class structure incorporates gentle and difficult yoga postures entwined into a healing flow with emphasis throughout on yogic breathing.
Noted for her clear voice, quirky sense of humour, precise technical cueing and subtle yet poignant reminders of the pathless path… the Still Way to connecting to one’s natural state and Authentic Self is slowly revealed.
Sadie keeps a major focus on “mindfulness”which correlates with physical safety. You will be guided to relaxation and freedom within your practice so you are open to respond to the moment …. as it Is.
Sadie, a truth seeker and lover of truth, has been teaching yoga with her full attention for over an insightful decade. Lifted, healed and transformed from yoga
Sadie simply wants to share her passionate findings and childlike approach.
“You are welcome no matter what level of practice or how you feel that day, all of your Heart-Body-Mind can be addressed on the mat and in the present moment. Compassionate, dynamic and meditative yoga is what you can expect from me. The Practice of yoga will not only help you to think, feel and look better; but vivifies the thing that matters most the Truth of who you are.”
With Love and Respect I wish to share this ancient Practice.