ReOpening Guidelines

Home / ReOpening Guidelines

What  We Are Continuing to Do to Keep the Space Safe:

  1. We disinfectant spray before between and after classes (heavily used areas, keys, door handles, light switches,  spraying spray bottles etc).
  2. We wash floors, shelves, desk, coat areas & bathrooms daily with disinfectant.
  3. Our disinfectant has a DIN number which means it is industrial grade and effective against viruses.
  4. Our teachers wash their hands before, between and after classes and do not come into the studio to teach if they are not feeling well.

For in studio classes, please follow the guidelines below:face mask thumbs up reopening guidelines

As of March 11, 2022
Masks are no longer required. We recognize that some will prefer to keep masks on and we encourage those who fell that is safer to do so.

1)Please Book Online Class you want to attend. Please purchase a pass if you dont have one already online.

2) Please come on time. You can come 15 minutes before the class starts to continue to avoid congestion between classes 

3)Bringing your own mat is encouraged but you can use the ones we provide along with props. They will be sprayed and wiped and then resprayed to disinfect. prop covers will be regularly washed.

4) As you enter the space be mindful of others as we return to full capacity.

5) Do not come to class if you are sick.Teachers will not be teaching if they are feeling unwell

6) Please wash your hands before coming to class and if you use the washroom.

7) If you haven’t signed up for an online class at ODY please email

FAQ: Online Classes

What do I do if after booking my first ‘online class’, I want to attend a 2nd (or more) online class?

You need to book each time, even if you are going to a class that has the same link

If I am late for an online class can I still join? What if I need to leave early?

Yes, no problem. Just make sure to mute your mic so as not to disturb the class and if you can let the teacher know you are leaving early prior to class.

What happens if I can’t hear or see the teacher?

If you are using zoom for first-time please go onto Zoom’s website and take a look at their info as they have lots of helpful tips. You can unmute to let the teacher know. You can also send a “chat” to the teacher.

What happens if I accidentally lose connection? Can I still rejoin?

Yes, just go and click on the link to return to the room on Zoom. If this doesn’t work log out and log in again

What happens if the teachers connection is lost? 

This could happen as internet/computer problems can occur so our apologies in advance if it does. Try relogging in or stay patient in case the teacher can figure it out quickly otherwise the teacher will simply focus on completing the class for those in the studio and we will ask you to

  1. Complete the practice on your own OR
  2. Go to our ‘Home practice youtube channel’ and watch a video.  Most of you have already been invited to the channel already and it is free for 12mo+ continuous members and $20/mo for others. If you are a continuous 12mo+ member and haven’t been invited, email us but you will need to provide a gmail account or setup a google account to have access so please set that up first.  

When do you send the link to the online class?

Our database usually sends it out 60 min before a class so if you don’t receive the link to the online class, please look in your spam/trash/junk mail and later allow emails from We also put the link when you book a class so if this is your first class or you haven’t been receiving our emails (which is an indication we may have noted the incorrect email), copy that link so you can be sure you will get on your first class

I don’t want to take these online classes and want to cancel my pass.

Please send us an email at letting us know if you would like to cancel and why.

Will there be more classes, times and teachers?

Yes we hope if you enjoy these classes you will share them with your network/friends & family as the more students enrol, the more classes & times but we need to see how this initial schedule does and what the Government decides for the covid restrictions (easing or tightening).

Do we need to prebook the Online classes? Do they ever fill up?

Yes you do need to book the classes otherwise you wont receive the link. But no with capacity at 100, we don’t think they will overbook

What will it be like?

When you enter the Zoom meeting (unless you’re the first person to enter the class), you’ll see another yogi/yogini – unless they’ve chosen to turn off their camera (so you can turn yours off if you would prefer the privacy). The number of people you can view will depend upon your screen size. We will set everyone’s microphones to “mute” at the start of the class, but you can turn yours on if you want to talk before class starts. The main screen will show the person currently speaking. At the beginning of the class, your teacher will ask you to mute your microphones so that only they can be heard.

Things to know when you on your online class:
  • How to turn on/off your camera: Hover your mouse over the screen and icons will appear. Click on the Camera
  • How to turn on/off your microphone: Hover your mouse over the screen and icons will appear. Click on the Mic
  • How to see more than one person: There should be a Gallery setting at the top right on most screens. Click on that and select Gallery View. Some devices might make you swipe to the left.

Hints for better zooming

Restart your computer about 15 minutes before the class

  • Turn off WiFi on other devices in your house
  • Don’t let anyone in your house stream a movie or online video games while you’re on zoom.

Zoom updates – accept all zoom update requests

Computer sound – turn volume all the way up

Computer sound

  • – if the sound is not good, try turning off your video, which takes up a lot of wifi capacity
  •  – go to Audio/advanced – click on high fidelity

Mute/unmute – most computers will let you unmute by pressing the space bar. When you let it go, it will mute again.

Connection – sometimes it helps to leave the zoom meeting and then reconnect

Best connection tip – if you can, get an ethernet cable to connect your device directly to the internet modem you got from your provider.

Who are you? – if your image just shows “iphone” or initials, or whatever, click beside the mute button and you can rename to your actual name. As good as a name tag. Then we’ll know who you are 😊

Apple users – call your Apple support if you’re having problems, they may be able to help

Active speaker view – if you’d like to see the teacher on a bigger image, click on view/active speaker

Got more hints?– please email and we can add them